About Us.
Ludanta Studios was born from the idea of creating an absolutely non-profit brand just for the passion of making films.
It is also born thanks to personal empathies between people who love cinema, have always dreamed it, and now write it.
Twenty years ago, carrying out a project like the ones we are building now, regardless of their quality, was absolutely prohibitive.
Today, technology within everyone's reach allows us to finally achieve things that we have always wanted.
I guess it's a speech from a very young person and it's true. But the harmony and creativity that unites this group of artists and all those who want to collaborate with us are an immense wealth.
The political choice of this brand is to produce low-cost productions but where all the collaborators, actors and crews are paid.
All our achievements are presented at festivals around the world. This offers great visibility to all project participants and interpreters above all.
If you want to send your resumes and offer you as actors or actresses
do not hesitate to contact us using the form on the 'Contact' page.
All received emails are read and will be answered.
Thanks to all those who have worked with us so far and to all those
that they will do it in the future.
Ludanta Studios

This short film was shot to participate in the "Mamma Roma and its quarters" competition as part of the Tiber Island Film Festival in Rome. It was the first semi-professional experience. In the 'Video' section of this site you will find links for both the short film in the original language and the one subtitled in English.
Title: Vuoti di Memoria al Prenestino (Memory Lapse in the Prenestino)
Subject: Roberto Fischetti
Screenplay: Giuliano Bottani
Performers: Valeria Iacampo, Luca Laviano
Shooting and Editing: Davide Simonelli
Live sound: Simona Cianfarini
Directed by: Roberto Fischetti
Year: 2016
Format: FHD 16: 9
Ethics was a wonderful experience because of the difficult story from the cinematographic point of view and because of the difficulty and intensity of the interpretation for which Carlotta proved to be a charismatic and excellent actress.
In the 'Video' section of this site you will find links for both the short film in the original language and the one subtitled in English.
Title: Etica (Ethics)
Subject: Giuliano Bottani
Screenplay: Giuliano Bottani, Roberto Fischetti
Performers: Carlotta Sfolgori, Alfredo Cernadas
Coaching: Luca Laviano
Shooting and Editing: Roberto Fischetti
Live sound: Marzia Guerrieri
Photographer: Paolo Fischetti
Directed by: Roberto Fischetti
Music: Lost in the Forest, Pieter Nooten & Michael Brook
Year: 2017
Format: FHD 16:9
Deadly Clauses was born by chance. After a stop, for various reasons, we could not sit still for the realization of 'Gaia goes around at night'. The desire for cinema is a torment. Thus was born this short so different from the themes written so far. A horror / trash / grotesque that has little horror and much of the rest. Yet another very pleasant experience that could be achieved in a very short time thanks to the extreme professionalism of the cast and the crew that worked there.
In the 'Video' section of this site you will find links for both the short film in the original language and the one subtitled in English.
Title: Deadly Clauses
Subject & Screenplay: Roberto Fischetti
Performers: Carlotta Sfolgori (Silvia), Luca Laviano (Marco)
Shooting: Matteo Ponchia
Photography & Color correction: Matteo Ponchia
Editing: Matteo Ponchia, Roberto Fischetti
Live sound: Michi Rode
Makeup FX: Vanessa Sperati
Catering: Marzia Guerrieri
Photographer: Paolo Fischetti
Directed by: Roberto Fischetti
Music: Etta James (Argo Records)
Year: 2019
Format: FHD CineLog 35mm 16:9

Gaia is the short film that has been frozen for the moment but that, as soon as conditions allow, will come back to life.

NON STAVO MAI FERMA (Never Still) was filmed in 2020. Finished editing in 2022. We think it's a great job. cast: Carlotta Sfolgori Luca Laviano Chiara Shakti Cincis subjet Roberto Fischetti screenplay Luca Laviano Roberto Fischetti photography Matteo Ponchia editing Matteo Ponchia Roberto Fischetti direct sound Antonio Rotondo makeup Beatrice Bruno assistance Marzia Guerrieri
Behind Our Scenes.